About Our Organisation

Collective Consciousness is a movement founded in the privillege of those with access to disproportionate opportunities.

The movement envisages the desired revolution that leverages this privillege to create an egalitarian living.

Collective Consciousness will eventually strive for empowerment and in overall paradigm shifts thats cross-sectral in the global development landscape.

Our Initiatives


The flagship project of the Collective Consciousness, seeks to address critical menstrual health and hygiene challenges in India for over 200 million women and girls. Through technology, Devi wants to overcome the information and access barriers and transform period poverty into period parity.


An ed-tech project of the Collective Consciousness that creates a technology-enabled, dynamic, seamless application and disbursement process of government mandated and private scholarships for students from low-income communities.

Meet our Team

Priyanka Prasad

Co Founder                           

Harsh Saraswat


Arnav Agarwal

Partnerships Head             

Shruthi Krishnamoorthy

Tech associate                     

Shreya Savadatti

Tech associate                     

Sakshi Dhariwal

Design associate                     

Kashish Kumar

Design associate                     



The Collective Consciousness is a registered nonprofit under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 under Bangalore jurisdiction. The organisation is form 10A u/s 12A and form 10G u/s 80G per the Income Tax Act, 1961 compliant.